
Birthstone of May: Emerald

The birthstone of May, Emeralds are considered to be a symbol of rebirth and love – which makes it a perfect choice for an engagement ring. In case you’ve missed out on that: It’s also the perfect ring for your 20th or 35th anniversary!

Emerald Gemstones

Emeralds are among the rarest gemstones but unfortunately they are often quite cloudy. The more vivid the colour and the less inclusions it has the more valuable and expensive it is. That’s why you have to dig deeper in your pocket to get a beautiful emerald the same as you would have if you’re after a green Tourmaline, Garnet or Peridot. But that’s the price you have to pay if we want to adorn ourselves with the stone of Venus…

Liz Taylor wearing Emeralds in Cleopatra

Elizabeth Taylor as Pharaoh Cleopatra who was one of the first avid collectors of Emeralds.